Themed Briefing - June 2020

This month we bring you the third instalment of our virtual themed briefings, with this month’s theme as: 

Working from Home and Struggling to switch off? 

A Masterclass in developing a healthy and productive work-from-home setup.


Speaker: Chevy Rough – Wellbeing and Performance Coach

Working from home is a challenge. We may find ourselves in the rhythm and routine of it, used to this new way of living but could we make improvements to make us not only more productive in our work but leaving us with enough energy for the non-work parts of our lives? How do you set boundaries and differentiate between the home workspace and the home home-space?

This special themed briefing aims to equip you with the insight, tools and energy to focus on work and build habits to then switch off at the end of the working day. This includes a step by step guide on how to transition to home life calmly when you are working from home.

Accompanying the webinar is a Workbook that is full of helpful re-framing exercises and a use-able Work to Home transition checklist. 

Find it here: Work To Home 

Plus a comprehensive ‘learn more’ overview of the webinar: Learn More 


Chevy Rough is a Wellbeing Specialist who coaches people and organisations to develop the mindset, behaviours and tools required for improving mental, physical and social health. 

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